I polish marble countertops and floors. Some marble, and granite, looks better, in my opinion, either honed or polished. Polished marble gives a luxurious look and style. Honed marble reveals a soft, natural look and style. I believe, with polished marble one tends to notice the color and, of course, the shine. With honed marble, I believe, one tends to notice the texture and pattern.

Polish Marble Countertop
Honed Black Absolute


I’m, now, sealing a granite kitchen countertop. It’s highly important to strip all dirt, grease and old polish from the granite, before sealing. After sealing, the granite countertop will repel dirt and grease. Please, never add any polish, or wax, to your sealed granite surfaces. Truly, the best way to clean polished granite is to use glass cleaner, (Windex). That’s right, treat your polished granite like it’s glass.

When I polish marble countertops, I use 5X polishing powder. The black marble is etched, so, I polish it out. Luckily, the 1500 grit pad removes the etch. This is fabulous, because no transition lines appear. The 5X is applied two times, this is to insure a deep, glowing shine.

poultice is a paste which is used to draw out, eliminate and/or minimize colored stains in marble. We sometimes use a pre-packaged poultice product and sometimes we make our own poultice. In any case, we spread the poultice over the stain, cover it with plastic, (to allow a slower drying time), and then, we wait several days for the poultice to take effects, (dry out). We then, remove the dried poultice and inspect the previously stained area.



I’ve done several poultice jobs in a row. What’s up with all the poultice jobs in a row? It’s about properly sealing your marble. Please, seal your marble. Thank you. So long.

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